
concept | storyboard | script | shoot | edit | produce | share

Embed it in your newsletter. Show it at a meeting or fundraiser. Link it on your website. Celebrate a moment or share a personal history.  Video tells your story over and over again.

Video makes it easy to follow the adage “Show, don’t tell.”

A2EthicsHSBPoster copy

The Bowl is a judged tournament in which “the object” is to study, think about and discuss challenging ethical cases with other student teams in both competitive and collaborative ways.
This video captures the essence of this unique event.

Edible Avalon: Rooted in Community

The volunteers of Avalon’s community gardening program are amazing. Video told their story in a concise and creative way at a fundraising event held at the Michigan Theater.
The video received the First Annual Community Food Film Festival Award.

Packard Health 40th Anniversary • AAACTA Middle School Tennis Program  Miles of Golf Instructional Videos  Shelter Association of Washtenaw County  Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation • Intentional Communities of Washtenaw • Academy of Sports Leadership  Ann Arbor Golf & Outing Club – History |  Fireworks • A2Ethics: The Ethics of Autonomous Vehicles • Girls Group 2015 Honorees • 

Ann Arbor, MI  734-972-3625